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Department of
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS)
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Guest Lecture Program Of Robotics Process Automation on 23-01-2025
FDP conducted Large Language Models at alpha hall of Sri Sairam Engineering College on 06-01-25 to 10-01-25
Association with IEEE CIS SPAX sponsered event society “Quintessence Nexus 2.0” on 26.12.24 and 27.12.24
Quintessence Nexus 2.0 Igniting Innovation at Intel Lab on 26-12-2024 & 27-12-2024
IEEE-CIS distinguished lecture on “Insights on Multifactorial evolution : Towards multitasking optimization” 10-12-2024
Workshop on Quantum Computing at Alpha hall on 06-11-2024
My story motivational session by successful innovators on 08.11.2024
Expert Talk on How to Develop a Pitch Deck for a Project on 29-10-2024
Quantum Computing at Alpha hall on 06-11-2024
Expert Talk on How to Develop PITCH DECK for a project VRR hall from 9 AM to 12:30 PM on 29-10-2024
Fundamentals of REDHAT LINUX in Google meet 18/10/2024
MTS society workshop on Data Visualization using table on 21-10-2024
Fundamentals of REDHAT LINUX 4days Webinar on 18-10-2024 to19-10-2024 and 24-10-2024 to 25-10-2024
BIS Conclave 2K24 at Smart Class on 24.09.2024
National Level Symposium AIRO 4.0 on 13.09.2024
A National level Symposium AIRO 4.O at SSR hall Sri Sairam Engineering College on 13-09-2024
IEEE CIS society Quintessence Nexus 1.0 on 27&28-08-2024
INTEL-UNNATI AI Centre of Excellence Inaugurated by Mr. Mohammadali M and Mr. Suhaas D Attend, MOU Signed with Sairam Institutions on July 29-30, 2024
Skilling program on Robot Operating system From 18.6.24 to 10.07.24
6 Days Virtual Faculty Development Program On Quantum Computing 27.05.2024 – 01.06.2024
MTS society and IEEE CIS “Webinar on Marine Data Analytics” on 10th May 2024
Technical event “STANDARDX 24” on 25.04.24
Skilling program on consumer conclave on 18th April 2024
The Power of Tools: Live Demonstrations and Applications – April 16, 2024
Innovate with Purpose: IEEE-CIS Design Thinking Skilling Program
Skilling program on AI tools-13.04.2024
Guest lecture on Industrial Insight on 08.04.2024 at Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai
Robotics club ” Hands on training on Tableau” from 04.04.2024 to 05.04.24 at Intel laboratory at Sri Sairam Engineering College
WorkShop on “YOLO” on 17.02.2024 (TIME:7:00-8:30)
Role of IEEE to avail opportunities for higher studies in abroad universities on 16.2.24 in Gmeet
Biomedical devices and its applications” on 05.02.2024 to 09.02.2024|Hardware Lab&Intel Lab
Natural language processing in indian legal system” on 8th feb 2024
Bootcamp series 1 ” Drone technology” in association with Sairam innovation ecosystem and robotics club from 08.2.24 to 13.2.24
NCAAIET’23” on 21st Nov 2023
Entrepreneurship and Innovation as career opportunity” on 18.11.2023
second National level conference on Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and emerging trends
Modelling Using Machine Learning on 7, 8 & 9th Nov 2023
IEEE CSI “Expert talk on Project Management” on 19.10.2023
National level Symbosium AIRO 3.0″ on 17th October 2023
Hands on Training on Poster Designing (9 Sep 2023)
How To Implement Rapid Miner Tool in Machine Learning
Expert talk on Augmented reality / Virtual reality”.
Hands on training session on Biomedical equipments in association with MS quality quest engineers
Awareness programme on SIH 2023
Expert talk on How to implement rapid miner tool in machine learning
Expert talks on statistics in R
Webinar on the insights of Smart India Hackathon
Guest lecture on AI-DS : A beginners guide” by 04.08.23 on Gmeet
Guest lecture on Data science and Machine learning on 29.07.23
Machine Learning Basics on 14.07.23
How to write review paper on wireless network on 15.07.23
Guest lecture on Machine learning Basics” on 14.07.23
Association with IIC on 07.07.23 ” Guest lecture on IEEE sight
Internship opportunities in abroad
“National level Hardware Hackathon 1.0” on 27.03.2023 and 28.03.2023
“Expert talk on Real Time Applications in Cloud Computing” on 17th March 2023
Expert talk on knowledge transfer on python 18th March 2023
Hands on training on Full stack Development” from 20th March 2023 to 24th March 2023
Expert talk on knowledge transfer on python”(18-03-2023)
Expert talk on Real Time Applications in Cloud Computing” on 17th March 2023
” Indulge in SDG” on 11.03.203
“Online certificate of managerial skills for engineers”
IIC 5days certification on ” Managerial skills for Engineers” from 13.03.2023 to 17.03.2023
Expert talk in the process of innovation and start-up event conducted on (25/02/2023)
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sri Sairam Engineering College in association with the Marine Technology Society organized its 1ST INTERNATIONAL LEVEL SYMPOSIUM on (03-02-2023)
BOOTCAMP SERIES VI-Hands on Training on AR-VR conducted on 20.02.2023 and 21.02.2023
Expert talk on ” Machine learning and it’s tools” on 24.02.2023
Expert talk on Process of Innovation in START-UP” and invited guest Mr. Venkatesh Prabhu Managing director of Hanodale solution sdn.bhd Kula Lumpur , Malaysia on 25.02.2023 eve 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm
Hands on training on AR – VR ” on 20.02.23 and 21.02.2023 at Sri Sairam Engineering college
Hands on training in Python ” from 20th February 2023 to 25th February 2023 at Sri Sairam Engineering College
ISTE Sponsored FDP & Hands on Training on DATA SCIENCE TOOLS (23.1.2023 – 28.1.2023)
IEEE CTS society with AI-ML club organizing expert talk on ” Engineering Humanities” on 25th November 2022
Artificial and Machine learning club organized en “expert talk on CISCO Internship”
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sri Sairam Engineering College in association with the departments of Sri Sairam Polytechnic College organized its 1ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCEMENT IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EMERGING TRENDS on 3rd & 4th November, 2022.
Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
“Hands on training on Tableau on 13.10.2022 “
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY WITH IBM had conducted GUEST LECTURE on “AI SOLUTIONS USING OPENPOWER /POWER TECHNOLOGY” on 23rd September 2022 by 10.00 am,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. The guest speaker for the event , Mr.Ganesan Narayanasamy-open power leader in education and research IBM, Ms.Sri kamani-Technical Lead object automation systems, Ms.Deepthi RG-Junior AI Engineer,open automation systems, Ms.Gayathri Padhy Tech Specialist Open Automation Systems Pvt Ltd.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY had conducted expert talk on “IPR AND START UP” on 16th September 2022 by 11.45 am,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. The guest speaker for the event Dr.G.Puthilibai Professor-Chemistry department, Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY had conducted expert talk on “AWARENESS ABOUT ONLINE COURSES” on 15th September 2022 by 2.15pm,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. The guest speaker for the event Dr.Saswathi Kumari Behera Associate Professor-EEE department Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE CTSOC had conducted expert talk on “EOMS EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS” on 16th September 2022 by 3.20pm,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. The guest speaker for the event ,Ms. Thirupura Sundari Associate Professor-EIE department,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with ISTE had conducted expert talk on “Research and Development” on 15th September 2022 by 3.20pm,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. The guest speaker for the event ,Dr.Ashok Gandhi Associate Professor -Mechanical Engineering department,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE Computational Intelligence Society had conducted talk on “SDG Social Media” on 16th September 2022 by 9am,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai..The guest speaker for the event ,Mr.M.Subramanian Assistant Professor-EIE department,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE had conducted expert talk on “INTERNSHIP” on 16th September 2022 at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai..The guest speaker for the event ,Dr.Sasirekha,Professor-MBA ,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Smart India Hackathon (SIH) Experience Sharing on Software Edition
Skill Enhancement for School Students
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science association with IIC had conducted the event “Virtual Quiz on Start up ” held on 02.09.22 at Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science association with Robotics had conducted the event “Virtual Quiz on UAV ” held on 03.09.22, at Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Inaugural function of The Marine Technology Society” held on 25.08.22
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE CT, had conducted Guest Lecture on “Competitive Programming” on 27.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Dr.S.Anusuya, Professor, Department of Data Analytics , Institute of Information Technology , Saveetha School of Engineering.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE CIS, had conducted General talk on “Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence”,on 26.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Mr.Sivakumar , NLP Engineer , Zoho Corporation.
Role of mathematics in artificial intelligence” on 26th August 2022
Hands on Training on MICROSOFT POWER BI ” on 22.08.2022 and 23.08.2022.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had conducted “A Multidisciplinary Paradigm of Medical Imaging & Application ” on 20.08.2022 , at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Mrs. Dr. E. Priya ,Professor, Department of ECE, Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had conducted “Seminar on Journal and Project Proposal Writing” , on 19.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Dr. B. Meenakshi, Professor, Department of EEE, Sairam Engineering College.
Hindi awareness cell
Hindi speech competition
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had conducted “Inaugural of Hindi Awareness Cell and Speech Competition” on 15.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Mrs. T.R.Prabhavathi, SGT, Sairam, Matriculation Higher Secondary School and Mrs. D. Mala , Designation, TGT-II, Hindi Teacher
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE and Computational Intelligence Society(CIS) had conducted Expert talk on “DATA SCIENCE , AI& ML WITH PYTHON AND R ” on 13.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker MR. K. DURGA PRASAD ,Data Scientist, AILT- USA.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE and IIC(Institutions Innovation Council) had conducted Expert talk on “ENTERPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION ” on 12.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker MR. S. SATHISH ,Assistant Professor, Department Of ECE , Paavai Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science had conducted Expert talk on “AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT” on 06.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Dr. A. NOORUL AMEEN ,Senior Agile Project Manager , Tiger Analytics, Chennai.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with The Institution of Engineers( India) had conducted Expert talk on “RACE FOR 5G SUPREMACY AND SECURITY” on 05.08.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Dr. R. MOHANA PRIYA ,Associate Professor , Dept of ECE , PAAVAI Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE and Institutions Innovation Council-IIC had conducted Expert talk on “VIRTUAL REALITY AND ITS FUTURE PROSPECTS” on 30.07.2022 ,at Sri Sairam Engineering College and invited speaker Mr. Sam Austin,R & D Executive, Sairam Techno Incubation.
Expert talk on RACE FOR 5G SUPREMACY AND SECURITY on August 05,2022
Expert talk on Virtual Reality and its Future Prospects on 30th July, 2022
Expert talk on Introduction to Digital VLSI IC Design on 29th July, 2022
Hands on session on “ IBM WATSON ” on 23.07.2022
Advance Machine Learning in Real World Applications” on 22.07.2022
Hands on session on IBM WATSON on 23/07/2022
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with SAIRAM ROBOTICS CLUB conducted event on “APPLYING DATA SCIENCE & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE” ON 29.01.2022,invited guest speaker Ms.Annapurani Vaidhiyanadhan,Consultant at Transunion.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE Computational Intelligence Society conducted Online Workshop on “NANO SATELLITE” on 28.01.2022,at Sri Sairam Engineering College, invited guest Ms.R S Krithiga HR and Research Executive,JET AEROSPACE AVIATION RESEARCH CENTER.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE Computational Intelligence Society conducted Hands on Training on JAVA on 25.01.2022, at Sri Sairam Engineering College, invited guest Ms.B.Renuka Devi Assistant / Professor IT.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science conducted event on Applications on Data Science Competetion on 17.12.2021 at Smart Classroom, Sri Sairam Engineering College invited guest Dr.B.Priya Associate Professor,CSE and Dr. Samundeshwari Associate Professor ,CSE.
Department of Artificial Ibtelligence and Data Science,has conducted expert talk on “UAV INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS” 0n 11.12.2021,at Sri Sairam Engineering College,by Gmeet and invited Speaker Ms. Krithiga R S,HR and Research Executive,Jet Aerospace Aviation.
Department of Artificial Ibtelligence and Data Science,has conducted expert talk on “LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE” ON 10.12.2021,at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College ,invited guest speaker Mr.Balaji Rajendran,founder and CEO of Software India,Chennai.
Department of Artificial intelligence and Data Science with Sairam Robotics Club conducted an expert talk on AI Components of an Autonomous Mobile Robot on 04.12.2021 through Gmeet by Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter,has conducted technical talk on “SENSORS” 0n 03.12.2021, at sri Sairam Engineering College,invited guest speaker Mr.Shyam,IEEE student Branch Vice Chair founder of Vision and Ms.M.Krithiga vice chair,Embs society core team lead vision.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science conducted Hands on Training on PCB DESIGN from 30.11.2021 to 02.12.2021 through Gmeet and invited guest speaker Mr.Dinesh Kumar,Lead Engineer,VITESCO technologies Pv.Ltd .
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with Sairam Robotics Club,conducted an Expert talk on “AI IN ROBOTICS”,on 27.11.2021,At sri sairam Engineering College,invited guest Mr.Parthiban A,Head-business development,Lemma Labs,IIT madras ,Incubation cell,IIT madras Research Park,Chennai.
Department of Artificial Ibtelligence and Data Science Conducted an Expert talk on Data Analytics on 26.11.2021 invited Dr.Soma Prathibha Associate Professor ,IT department ,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science With IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student conducted Hands on Training “BOOTCAMP ON IOT” on 26th November 2021 at Gamma Hall Sri Sairam Engineering College INVITED GUEST A.Parthiban ,Head Business Development Lema Labs,IIT Madras Research Park.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter,has conducted hands on training on ‘DIGITAL IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING USING MATLAB AND SCILAB’,from 24.11.2021 to 26.11.2021,at Gamma Hall,Sri Sairam Engineering College,Chennai.,invited Guest speaker Dr.S.Sumathi,Professor ECE department.
Department of Artificial Ibtelligence and Data Science,in association with MHRD SEC-IIC and intellectual property right cell has conducted expert talk on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” on 20.11.2021.,at Sri Sairam Engineering college.,invited resource person Dr.G.Puthilibai ,Co-ordinator IPR cell,Professor Chemistry ,Sri Sairam Engineering College.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter,has conducted expert talk on “ARDUINO BOARD” on 19.11.2021 at sri Sairam Engineering College,Mr.R.G.Sharath Kumar,IEEE SB communication society chair founder of SENTER.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter,has conducted expert talk on “COMPUTER VISION & GESTURE CONTROL” on 13.11.2021, at sri Sairam Engineering College,invited guest speaker Mr.Shyam,IEEE student Branch Vice Chair founder of Vision and Mr.Nirmal IEEE SB communication society chair Computer Vision Team Head at VISION.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter conducted an expert talk on “INTRODUCTION TO IEEE “ ON 05.11.2021,at Sri Sairam Engineering college ,invited guest speaker Mr.Aditya Subramani,IEEE student Branch Chair.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE Computational Intelligence Society ,IEEE CIS Madras Chapter sponsored ,has conducted Student training programme on “COMPUTATION INTELLIGENCE IN ENGINEERING”, at Steve jobs hall, on 28.10.2021 and 29.10.2021 invited expert speaker Dr.N.Kumarappan, Chairman, IEEE madras section & CIS madras chapter,Professor Dept.of Electrical engg,Annamalai university,Tamilnadu.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in association with IEEE SEC Computational Intelligence Society,has conducted Hands on Trianing on “DATA MODELLING” from 19.10.2021 to 21.10.2021,at Sri Sairam Engineering College,through Gmeet invited Speaker Mr.Nimesh Rajput,Senior Software Engineer,Truminds Software Solutions.
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Events and Gallery.
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MTS event
Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Trends on 12-09-2024
Fundamentals of REDHAT LINUX in Google meet 18/10/2024
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