In association with IEEE “Awareness on IEEE membership”

BIOMEDICAL DEVICES AND ITS APPLICATIONS on 05.02.2024 to 09.02.2024 IEEE CSI “Expert talk on Project Management” on 19.10.2023 National Level Symbosium AIRO 3.0″ On 17th October 2023 Expert talk on How to implement rapid miner tool in machine learning Expert talks on statistics in R Webinar on the insights of Smart India Hackathon Guest lecture… Continue reading Announcement
The Department has spacious classrooms and well furnished Laboratories with good ventilation and lighting facilities. All Laboratories are equipped with essential equipments to meet the requirements of the curriculum. It has computing lab with 352 workstations and 7 servers with all the required software and peripherals as per Anna University syllabus. The department offers free high-speed Internet facility through 1 STM TATA – 155Mbps RF connectivity. Security for the systems is provided by Juniper SSG300 Firewall
The department endeavors to provide well qualified and highly experienced faculty members in all disciplines. Our dedicated faculty members strive to sustain teaching – learning environment. Our department faculty comprises of 40 teaching staffs and 9 Non teaching staffs. Our eminent professors have an average experience of 10 years in their respective areas of specialization. Our institution encourages each faculty members to participate in the Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars and to publish papers in refereed journals and National & International conference.
Mou’s Signed
PEO1: Graduates will have solid basics in Mathematics, Programming, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science fundamentals and advancements to solve technical problems. PEO2: Graduates will have the capability to apply their knowledge and skills acquired to solve the issues in real world Artificial Intelligence and Data Science sectors and to develop feasible and viable systems. PEO3: Graduates… Continue reading PEO’s
PSO1: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science graduates are able to become leaders in the Industry and Academia with the help of advanced knowledge and skill, which can empower them to analyze, design, develop and implement their learning to develop the society. PSO2: Ability to develop skills to address and solve social and environmental problem with ethics… Continue reading PSO’s
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problem PO2: Problem analysis: Indentify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problem reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural science and engineering science. PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for… Continue reading PO’s